The State Balanced Growth Fund is a unique programme to address regional imbalances in terms of Per capita Income, Employment, Poverty, Health, Education and Gender issues. Through this scheme, 105 blocks in rural areas, which are backward in these parameters are covered. In urban areas, Town Panchayats which fall under the selected backward blocks & slum areas in Town Panchayats with high population density, one-fourth of wards with predominant slum population in Municipalities & Corporations are covered under SBGF.
The HADP/WGDP were formulated to deals with special problem faced by identified regions due to their distinct geo physical structure and the poor socio economic development. The main objectives of the programme were eco-preservation and eco- restoration with focus on sustainable use of bio-diversity.
The Hon'ble former Chief Minister made an announcement under Rule 110 in the Legislative Assembly on 08.08.2014 that to promote innovation culture in Tamil Nadu, Tamil Nadu Innovation Initiatives (TANII) will be established in the State Planning Commission
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